Two-party mediations are billed at a rate of $450 per hour. Three or more party mediations are billed at a rate of $550 per hour. Travel time for mediations outside Northeast Florida is billed at one-half the applicable hourly rate, but will be waived with a four (4) hour minimum mediation. Charges are divided equally among the parties, unless agreed otherwise. Cancelations with less than ten (10) business days notice will result in a two (2) hour charge for a half-day mediation and a four (4) hour charge for a full-day mediation.
Arbitrations are billed at a rate of $500 per hour with a four (4) hour minimum for each hearing day reserved. If an arbitration hearing is cancelled or rescheduled within fourteen (14) business days of the arbitration hearing, there will be a four (4) hour charge for each scheduled day not subsequently filled by a mediation or arbitration.
Brecher Mediation, PLC
301 West Bay Street, Suite 1443
Jacksonville, Florida 32202